Wagner James Au sez, “Meeroos, an extremely popular species of virtual, breedable animal in Second Life, are now starving, because griefers have been selling their owners unauthorized food, and Linden Lab accidentally shut them down *and* their legitimate food supplier. The creatures don’t starve to death if their owners fail to feed them — after awhile, they’re just programmed to abandon their owners, presumably to find food. Linden Lab is finally addressing the issue, but Meeroos’ creators say the world is still ‘flooded with unauthorized food.’”
Meeroos, SL’s extremely popular species of virtual, breedable animals created by Malevay Studios, are currently starving. As reported by Malevay’s Catherine Farspire, unidentified griefers using variations of the avatar name “Meeroos Resident” (the company’s official account) were found selling unauthorized Meeroos food in the region of Twas. (The miscreants, says Ms. Farspire, “built their own [store] in the sky selling fraudulent food”.) As a result, she reports, Linden Lab has closed down the region of Twas — and also blocked “Meeroos Resident”, the legitimate Malevay Studios account: “We believe the account was blocked by Linden Lab by mistake, given all the reported accounts were variations of the same name, or the account was mistakenly reported by residents meaning to abuse report the offending avatars. We simply cannot be sure. Unfortunately, this has dealt us a crippling blow at the worst time possible.”
(UPDATE: Meeroos Account Reopened, But SL Still “Flooded With Unauthorised Food”)
New website! Last post on this blog
We have a new website folks! http://www.firestormviewer.org but even if you
go to the old phoenixviewer.com you'll be redirected.
However we will no longer...
12 years ago