May 19, 2011

Avatar Rendering Cost

What is avatar rendering cost?
ARC is a value of what it costs Second Life, the sim, avatars nearby and you to render your avatar.

Is this something important I should know about?

Is it something I have to pay for?
No, not in Lindens. But you pay for it in lag.

Is it something I can fix?

Let me explain:
All the clothing, articles and attachments you put on your avatar makes your avatar longer to render.

Sure that bling might be pretty and you think you're totally rocking with the twinkling shoes, but it is a cost to the system. It is a cost to the sim you are in. It is a cost to other avatars near you.

Imagine a dozen avatars with a high ARC value are in one sim. Well, this is going to slow things down not only for you, but for everyone else near you.

Now, imagine 12,000 avatars with a high ARC value. What affect do you think this would this have?

"How do I know what my avatar rendering cost is?"

You can find this value very easily: look at the top menu and look for ADVANCED. It will be to the right of HELP.

If you don't see ADVANCED, press CTRL+ALT+D to toggle it on. On a laptop, if the left ALT key does not work, use the ALT key on the right side of the keyboard.

Click on ADVANCED. Scroll down to RENDERING, then INFO DISPLAYS.

Half way down the list click Avatar Rendering Cost. The number appearing over the avatar is the ARC value.

Now, look carefully. This is very important. Is the number Red? If so, your ARC value is high. Your first priority is to lower it.

Orange or yellow is a warning.

Green means the ARC value is a very good low value. Second Life likes a low ARC value.

Just for reference, I have seen ARC values well over 3,000 and even 4,000. Hell, I have an outfit which puts my ARC value over 6,000!! Most of the time my ARC value is well below 600.

By keeping my ARC value low, I'm doing myself, Second Life, the sim and others a favour.

"How do I lower my ARC value?"

Start looking at what your avatar wearing - attachments, clothing, jewelry, skins. Take off items and see how this affects the cost to render your avatar.

Most often it is hair (sorry ladies) Jewelry, shoes and attachments can also cause a high ARC value. Men can be just as bad as women when it comes to a high ARC value.

So really, it is a courtesy to others to keep your Avatar Rendering Cost down.

Remember, friends don't let friends have a high Avatar Rendering Cost.

May 10, 2011

Get Your Rock On Marathon!

Saturday, 14 May 2011. 10am SLT to Midnight
{ { { ::: F O T K R O C K ::: } } }

DJ Regor - the Newest Hottest Rocking DJ at: FoTk RoCk cLuB in NZ.
starting at 10am (SLT/PST) DJ Regor is hosting a Get Your Rock On Marathon!
from 10pm to Midnight the theme is: "Tats and Tears".
wear your best tats and your worst clothing. prizes to be won!
so, whether you're up early, or up late, drag your sorry lazy ass to FoTK RocK cLuB for the best Ear Splitting, Mind Numbing, In Your Face, Balls to the Walls Rock!
DJ Regor Cranks the Tunes to 110 decibels and Rips the Freaking Knobs Off!! Dreamz Lagoons/13/205/21/