Aug 3, 2011

Meeroos are starving in SL

Wagner James Au sez, “Meeroos, an extremely popular species of virtual, breedable animal in Second Life, are now starving, because griefers have been selling their owners unauthorized food, and Linden Lab accidentally shut them down *and* their legitimate food supplier. The creatures don’t starve to death if their owners fail to feed them — after awhile, they’re just programmed to abandon their owners, presumably to find food. Linden Lab is finally addressing the issue, but Meeroos’ creators say the world is still ‘flooded with unauthorized food.’”

Meeroos, SL’s extremely popular species of virtual, breedable animals created by Malevay Studios, are currently starving. As reported by Malevay’s Catherine Farspire, unidentified griefers using variations of the avatar name “Meeroos Resident” (the company’s official account) were found selling unauthorized Meeroos food in the region of Twas. (The miscreants, says Ms. Farspire, “built their own [store] in the sky selling fraudulent food”.) As a result, she reports, Linden Lab has closed down the region of Twas — and also blocked “Meeroos Resident”, the legitimate Malevay Studios account: “We believe the account was blocked by Linden Lab by mistake, given all the reported accounts were variations of the same name, or the account was mistakenly reported by residents meaning to abuse report the offending avatars. We simply cannot be sure. Unfortunately, this has dealt us a crippling blow at the worst time possible.”

(UPDATE: Meeroos Account Reopened, But SL Still “Flooded With Unauthorised Food”)

Jun 3, 2011

Rock n Roll Ain't Noise Pollution

Not only am I a photographer in Second Life, I am also a DJ at Flight of the Kiwi Rock Club, NZ.

When I am on deck at FOTK Rock Club, the tunes are cranked to 110 decibels and then I Rip The Freakin' Knobs Off!

No pansy ass wimpy shit on my playlist (yawn...)

I only play the Loudest, Ear Splitting, Mind Numbing, In Your Face, Bone Jarring, Balls to the Walls, Bad Ass Rock!

my music motto is: Go Big, or Go Home!

This is my weekend schedule:
Friday 10 pm - Midnight SLT
Saturday 6 pm - 10 pm SLT
Sunday 8 pm - 10 pm SLT

Be sure to join the FOTK Group to stay up to date with events because you never know what nutty, insane stuff could happen at Flight of the Kiwi. I might do one of my crazy 12 hour Rock Marathons again...
"Flight of the Kiwi Rock Club - the Best Damn Little Island to Rock!"

Jun 1, 2011

review: Onavo

Wired Buddha - the Tao of Technology
review: data stream compression
Posted: 01 Jun 2011 12:52 AM PDT
Onavo is an iPhone application which compresses the data stream on the fly. Ideally, Onavo is for people who travel. How is the data stream compressed? In a nutshell, Onavo redirects your data stream... []

May 19, 2011

Avatar Rendering Cost

What is avatar rendering cost?
ARC is a value of what it costs Second Life, the sim, avatars nearby and you to render your avatar.

Is this something important I should know about?

Is it something I have to pay for?
No, not in Lindens. But you pay for it in lag.

Is it something I can fix?

Let me explain:
All the clothing, articles and attachments you put on your avatar makes your avatar longer to render.

Sure that bling might be pretty and you think you're totally rocking with the twinkling shoes, but it is a cost to the system. It is a cost to the sim you are in. It is a cost to other avatars near you.

Imagine a dozen avatars with a high ARC value are in one sim. Well, this is going to slow things down not only for you, but for everyone else near you.

Now, imagine 12,000 avatars with a high ARC value. What affect do you think this would this have?

"How do I know what my avatar rendering cost is?"

You can find this value very easily: look at the top menu and look for ADVANCED. It will be to the right of HELP.

If you don't see ADVANCED, press CTRL+ALT+D to toggle it on. On a laptop, if the left ALT key does not work, use the ALT key on the right side of the keyboard.

Click on ADVANCED. Scroll down to RENDERING, then INFO DISPLAYS.

Half way down the list click Avatar Rendering Cost. The number appearing over the avatar is the ARC value.

Now, look carefully. This is very important. Is the number Red? If so, your ARC value is high. Your first priority is to lower it.

Orange or yellow is a warning.

Green means the ARC value is a very good low value. Second Life likes a low ARC value.

Just for reference, I have seen ARC values well over 3,000 and even 4,000. Hell, I have an outfit which puts my ARC value over 6,000!! Most of the time my ARC value is well below 600.

By keeping my ARC value low, I'm doing myself, Second Life, the sim and others a favour.

"How do I lower my ARC value?"

Start looking at what your avatar wearing - attachments, clothing, jewelry, skins. Take off items and see how this affects the cost to render your avatar.

Most often it is hair (sorry ladies) Jewelry, shoes and attachments can also cause a high ARC value. Men can be just as bad as women when it comes to a high ARC value.

So really, it is a courtesy to others to keep your Avatar Rendering Cost down.

Remember, friends don't let friends have a high Avatar Rendering Cost.

May 10, 2011

Get Your Rock On Marathon!

Saturday, 14 May 2011. 10am SLT to Midnight
{ { { ::: F O T K R O C K ::: } } }

DJ Regor - the Newest Hottest Rocking DJ at: FoTk RoCk cLuB in NZ.
starting at 10am (SLT/PST) DJ Regor is hosting a Get Your Rock On Marathon!
from 10pm to Midnight the theme is: "Tats and Tears".
wear your best tats and your worst clothing. prizes to be won!
so, whether you're up early, or up late, drag your sorry lazy ass to FoTK RocK cLuB for the best Ear Splitting, Mind Numbing, In Your Face, Balls to the Walls Rock!
DJ Regor Cranks the Tunes to 110 decibels and Rips the Freaking Knobs Off!! Dreamz Lagoons/13/205/21/

Apr 14, 2011

Making Outfits

Sorting clothing to make outfits is really very easy.
I will explain in detail each step.

Read everything through to understand it. 

It may sound and look complicated at first, but follow the steps and you will see just how simple it is :)

First off, wear an outfit. this will be an example outfit.

Next, we are going to make a folder for that outfit.
Go to the Clothing folder at the top of the Inventory Window.
Right-click on the folder name: Clothing. when the menu pops up, Select: New Folder. name the folder for the outfit you are wearing.

But here's a little trick: put a Period at the beginning of the folder name.
This will sort the folder to the top, because the ASCII value of a Period precedes the ASCII value of the letter A.

I use this method to indicate an outfit folder.
IE ".Beach Wear" or ".Club Outfit", etc.

Now, here comes the best part:

In the Inventory Window, under File (top left corner) select: New Inventory Window
This opens another Inventory Window.

In the Search Bar of the second Inventory Window, type: WORN.
This shows everything you are currently wearing.

If you are using Phoenix Viewer there is a tab for Worn items.

Now, starting with the first item you are wearing, right-click and select: Copy

In the first Inventory Window, right-click on the new outfit folder you made and select: Paste As Link

Continue this procedure with the rest of the items that show under: WORN

Each link will show in Italics (item is a link) and Bold (item is worn).

There you go, you just made an outfit folder!

You can use this method for any item that you want to wear or add: clothing, shoes, hair, skins, shapes, jewelry, weapons.

This process leaves the items in their original location but with a shortcut, a reference link, in a separate folder.

Just like on your computer, you make a shortcut to the desktop for a program, without moving the original program.

When you want to wear that outfit or item, just right-click on the folder name and select: Wear or Add.

When you want to take off that outfit or item, right-click on the folder name, select: Take Off Items.

You can also select individual items to remove.

By following this method, you can make all the outfit folders you need.

Mar 19, 2011

computer security

My friend: the Wired Buddha (the Tao of Technology) has a great website:

Particularly, there is a very good page on computer software and security.

You really want to check it out and read carefully. Lots of information.

Mar 1, 2011

Phoenix Viewer settings

Phoenix Viewer has plenty of settings to consider and choose from.

So, rather than repeat what has already been written, the settings can be found here with a fairly good explanation.

Feb 27, 2011

welcome back to Second Life

Yes, I have returned to Second Life. Rumours of my demise have been greatly exaggerated...

A few people, my true friends, were still around (you know who you are :) and I was welcomed back with open hearts. You know who your real friends are when they are still there, even after a lengthy absence. They understand and welcome you back, regardless of the reasons why.

I am now using Phoenix Viewer ( When Emerald Viewer died, Phoenix Viewer was born out of the ashes.

The settings of Phoenix are pretty well those of Emerald. There are a few extras. I have gone through the settings once again, to understand what they are. I will post helpful tips, and such, on how to tweak the settings and adjusting graphics so that you can get the most out of Second Life.

I realized how much I missed SL. It is good to be back and reconnect.

Thank you, my friends, for still being there.